Week 12#
Weekly Calendar#
Preparation for Day A
No preparation for today.
Lecture Day A
Solar Eclipse Day (no in-person classes)
Preparation for Day B
No preparation video for today. (Make sure you complete the lecture videos from Monday.)
Complete the Day 12B preparation problem(s).
Print out the ST6 and ST7 lecture notes and bring with you to class.
Lecture Day B
ST5 and ST6 Participation Activity due during class.
S3, S4, S5, ST1 Checkpoint Exam (1st attempt) will be given in Wednesday’s lecture this week.
S3, S4, S5, ST1 Homework assignments are due Wednesday at 11:59pm ET.
Preparation for Day C
Watch the ST8 Absolute Convergence preparation video.
Complete the Day 12C preparation problem(s).
Print out the ST7, ST8 lecture notes and bring with you to class.
Lecture Day C
ST6 and ST8 Participation Activity due during class.
Recitation Day
No recitation this week.