Week 4#

Weekly Calendar#

Preparation for Day A

Lecture Day A

  • AD3 and AI1 Participation Activity due during class.

  • AI1 Homework will be assigned today.

  • I6, AD1 Homework assignments are due today at 11:59pm ET. Late submissions are not accepted for any reason.

Preparation for Day B

Lecture Day B

  • AI2 and AI3 Participation Activity due during class.

  • AI2 Homework will be assigned today.

Preparation for Day C

Lecture Day C

Recitation Day

  • I6, AD1 Checkpoint Exam (1st attempt) at the beginning of recitation this week.

  • Review the solutions to the I4, I5 Checkpoint Exam.

  • Review the solutions to the I3 Checkpoint Exam (recitations with TA Hong Chang only)

  • The next portion of class will be used as a time to complete your homework assignments and ask the TA questions.

  • I3 Checkpoint Exam (2nd attempt) at the end of recitation.