Week 4#
Weekly Calendar#
Preparation for Day A
Watch the AI1 Odd Powers Sine / Cosine preparation video.
Complete the Day 4A preparation problem(s).
Print out the AI1 and AI2 Note Sheets
Lecture Day A
AD3 and AI1 Participation Activity due during class.
AI1 Homework will be assigned today.
I6, AD1 Homework assignments are due today at 11:59pm ET. Late submissions are not accepted for any reason.
Preparation for Day B
Watch the AI2 Even Powers Sine / Cosine preparation video.
Complete the Day 4B preparation problem(s).
Print out the AI3 Note Sheets
Lecture Day B
AI2 and AI3 Participation Activity due during class.
AI2 Homework will be assigned today.
Preparation for Day C
Watch the AI4 and AI5 Trigonometric Substitutions preparation video.
Complete the Day 4C preparation problem(s).
Print out the AI4/AI5 Note Sheets
Lecture Day C
AI4 and AI5 Participation Activity due during class.
AI4 and AI5 Homework will be assigned today.
Recitation Day
I6, AD1 Checkpoint Exam (1st attempt) at the beginning of recitation this week.
Review the solutions to the I4, I5 Checkpoint Exam.
Review the solutions to the I3 Checkpoint Exam (recitations with TA Hong Chang only)
The next portion of class will be used as a time to complete your homework assignments and ask the TA questions.
I3 Checkpoint Exam (2nd attempt) at the end of recitation.