One-More-Chance Checkpoint Exam#
Date: Monday, May 6, 2024
Time: during our scheduled lecture time
Location: at our scheduled lecture room
Calculator Policy: Calculators are NOT allowed. The exam questions are written so that a calculator is not needed.
References/resources policy: No outside references/resources allowed during the exam. The only references/resources allowed during the exam are those provided as part of the exam packet.
No reference page will be provided.
What to Study#
New Topics:
This is your chance to re-test on any checkpoint exam question that is still currently marked as either (P)-Progressing or (U)-Unsatisfactory.
Number of Questions:
This depends on which topics you still need to complete. Only the topics you need to do will show up on your exam.
Depending on how many questions you need to complete, time may be a limiting factor.
For maximum benifit, start with the questions you are most confidant on and the ones which require the least amount of work.